Absorption Spectra Study of Cation Surfactant-[ AuI_4]~-Association Particle System and Its Analytical Application 碘金酸-阳离子表面活性剂缔合微粒体系的吸收光谱研究及分析应用
Effect of Cation Surfactant on Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium between Toluene and Water 阳离子表面活性剂对甲苯与水间气-液平衡关系的影响
Relationship of vapor-liquid equilibrium between volatile organic compounds and cation surfactant solutions 挥发性有机物与阳离子表面活性剂溶液间气液平衡关系
The mechanism may be expounded as fellow: when the quality of surfactant is less than exchange capacity, the exchange power came from reaction of cation exchange, and there are strong interaction between surfactant and interlayer. HDACl进入层间的机理可以解释为:当表面活性剂量小于交换容量时,交换动力来自于离子交换反应,而且表面活性剂与层间表面之间有很强的作用;
Rapid Determination of Cation Surfactant Tetrabutylammonium Halide Using Its Parallel Catalytic Hydrogen Wave in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide 双氧水存在下平行催化氢波法快速测定四丁基卤化铵
The effects of modifiers on gold extraction have been investigated systematically for cation surfactant modifier diluent Au ( CN)-2 extraction system. 研究了阳离子型表面活性剂改性剂惰性稀释剂Au(CN)-2萃金体系中各种改性剂对萃取金性能的影响。
JQ-98 Jiu-Qing Disinfectant is a compound disinfectant containing chlorine dioxide and JM activating factor ( cation surfactant). JQ-98久清消毒剂为含二氧化氯和JM活化因子(一种阳离子表面活性剂)的复方消毒剂。
The adsorption of chromate on zeolite modified by cation surfactant CTAB and its mechanism were investigated. 研究了由十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)改性制成的有机沸石对水体中铬酸根的吸附性能及吸附机制。
The Investigation of the Various Structures of DNA Molecules(ⅰ) The Coil Globe Transition of λ DNA Induced by the Cation Surfactant DNA分子结构的多态性研究(Ⅰ)&阳离子型表面活性剂诱导λ┐DNA由线圈型向球型的转变
Study on vesicles formed from the complex system of cation surfactant PTA and anionic surfactant SDS entrapment aspirin 复配体系自发形成囊泡包封药物阿司匹林的研究
Vesicles are formed from mixed solution of cation surfactant PTA and anionic surfactant SDS at proper proportions. THE STUDIES ON ECONOMICAL AND RATIONAL DOSE OF NPK AND PROPER PROPORTIONS USING ON THE MAIN SOIL TYPES IN TIANJING 用阳离子表面活性剂(PTA)与阴离子表面活性剂(SDS)复配自发形成囊泡。天津市主要类型土壤氮磷钾经济合理用量和适宜配比的研究
The Zeta potential of zeolite changed from negative value to positive value after modified by cation surfactant, and this indicated that the adsorption of cation surfactant on zeolite induced a change in its surface charge properties. 研究还发现沸石经有机改性后表面Zeta电位由负变正,说明表面活性剂在沸石表面的吸附改变了沸石表面的电荷性质,这也是有机沸石能够对铬酸根发生静电吸附的主要原因。
Usage of Cation Surfactant/ Reducing Agent/ Resin M in One Bath for Anti-Shrinkage Finishing of Wool Sweater 用阳离子表面活性剂/还原剂/树脂M同浴对羊毛衫的防缩整理
Meanwhile, with interfacial prompting the mass transfer coefficient was increased in the process of HNO_3 stripping by adding the anion and the cation surfactant, and was deceased by adding the non-ion surfactant. 加界面激励时,阴、阳离子表面活性剂会增加硝酸反萃的传质系数,非离子表面活性剂则减小传质系数。
The application of smectite which is modified by quaternary ammonium compound cation surfactant, hexadecyltrimethylammonium ( HDTMA) to industrial wastewater treatment has been studied. 研究了季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂十六烷基铵离子(HDTMA)改性的蒙脱土在处理工业废水中的应用。
Studies on Colour Reactions of Quaternary Complexes of Cobalt with Chromazurol S, Pyridine and Its Analogs and Cation Surfactant 钴与铬天青S、吡啶及其衍生物阳离子表面活性剂体系显色反应的研究
For EG/ H2O/ CTAB system, the coulomb attraction between cation surfactant and As ·-increases the quenching rate constant remarkably. 在EG/H2O/CTAB胶束体系中,由于阳离子表面活性剂与As·-的库仑吸引作用使得VC对3AQ的淬灭速率常数明显偏大。
In this paper, we selected bovine serum albumin and studied the effects of one saccharide amide surfactant, one fluorinated surfactant and one cation surfactant on it. 本论文选择牛血清蛋白(BSA),研究了其与糖胺类表面活性剂、阴离子全氟表面活性剂以及阳离子碳氢表面活性剂的相互作用。
In the fourth section, the interaction between cation surfactant TTAB and BSA has been studied using surface tension, conductivity, zeta potential, fluorescence spectrum, CD spectrum and DLS. 第四部分:选择了阳离子十四烷基三甲基溴化铵(TTAB),利用电导、表面张力、荧光光谱、CD光谱和动态光散射等技术研究了TTAB与BSA的相互作用。
The experiments indicate that the cation surfactant CTAB with low concentration can promote the c-axis orientation and the uniformity of the product. 实验结果表明,当溶液中添加阳离子表面活性剂CTAB且浓度较低时,产品沿c轴的的取向性和均匀性均有所提高,阵列中纳米棒的粒径减小。